Tuesday, February 27, 2007

We Are Playing Music

Friday, March 2nd and Saturday March 3rd GDH, the Road Rockets and Woody Simms Treeo will be playing the Canadian. Friday it will be GDH, RR's and a special cover band of all songs the Canadian crowd would enjoy. Saturday the Treeo will play as well as GDH and RR. We couldn't play a gig without a friend from out of town so this gig will see Professor Matt B from Madison, WI come up and belt out a few tunes. Should be a good time!

Here is us rehearsing:

My heart loves you.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Behind the Mask

I've played hockey since I was 5 years old. I've played ice hockey, ball hockey, table hockey, quarters hockey, mini-stick hockey, hotel-hallway hockey, air hockey, bubble hockey, and roller hockey. Never once (that I can recall) did I ever play in goal.

Well, Sunday I finally strapped the pads on. Shane bought some used equipment with the extra money from the ice time in case a goalie didn't show. And a goalie didn't show.

A quick recap:

1) I had a shutout going for about 35mins. I only had about 8 shots in those 35 minutes because the opposing team tried to pass too much, my defence blocked everything and the teams were a bit unbalanced with our team being the stronger of the two. Here is some video footage summing up my performance with Shane as commentator:

2)Do not try to play goalie in regular skates. There is no lateral movement. People can just deke you out left and right. Here is me with perfect form, square to the shooter waiting to stop the puck:

3)At times, goalie is a boring position.

4)At other times it is very frustrating. I would get seriously pissed off if someone scored on me.


Thursday, February 15, 2007


A blast from the past,

The Inappropriate Reaction Channel:


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Web 2.0

Here's a neat video about the internet. I had to pause it a few times to digest some of the ideas.

We're playing the Canadian March 2 and 3 (I think). More details to follow.

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Monday, February 05, 2007

The Winter Celebration Known Across the Nation....

....Get out and support Bon Soo!

Are they still playing that song?

The extent of my Bon Soo participation this year so far has been 1) watching the fireworks as I shovelled my driveway and 2) going to Bellevue Park to see some snow sculptures with Laura and the dogs. Notice how there are no other dogs around. When we got home I was looking at this guy's site where there is a picture saying "No Dogs Allowed". Whoops.

Getting back to the dogs, there were some dogs around, but they were working at the time. I snapped this shot through the back seat window fogged up by Al (who was barking at the time.) Who said greyhounds don't bark?

I was hoping my first contri to blogelation would've been a bit more interesting/funny/informative but alas, they can't all be winners.

If you want interesting/funny/informative, check out the link that will bring you to many other Sooites experiences with the "greatest SNOW on Earth".

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