Monday, November 27, 2006

What the hell is going on?

I turn my back on Canadian politics for a couple months and all of a sudden Canada is falling apart! *

Ray WHAT is your boy DOING?

Warren Kinsella has Ken Dryden's speech here.

Rick Mercer explained it to me here.

An excerpt:

"And anyone who grew up in a large family knows that sure, some kids might get away with more than others, some kids might even get special treatment, but there’s not a hope in hell that mom is ever going to stand up and recognize one child as the favorite.

No special status.

And why? Because moms know that if they ever put that down in writing, say in a birthday card, that’s exactly the type of thing that could eventually bite everyone on the ass and lead to the destruction of the whole bloody works.
So while it’s too early to say what if anything Harper’s move means, he certainly does play a mean game of chess.

I just hope he realizes Canada is not a board game; it’s a nation.

And we only have one to lose."

* I realize I am being a bit shrill here but WTF! Shrill sells! Exhibit A - FOXNews
p.s. Can someone explain why I shouldn't see this as trouble?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Nation of British Columbia says high. It's about time we got this ball rolling. Even though I think this does nothing to further the cause of the sepratists, it would be quite easy to see each province and territory as it's own country. Ontario is probably the only province that really couldn't see this happening but the more you spend time in other provinces the more you don't like Ontario. Sad but true. Isn't that a Metallica song.

12:39 AM  
Blogger Johnny the Juice said...

Why can't Leaf Nation separate?

8:53 PM  

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