Thursday, November 02, 2006

HOCKEY!!! (part II)

Shane took the initiative and booked a bunch of ice time for us Sundays across the river at the Big Bear Arena. After much negotiating and prodding, cajoling and imploring I finally convinced Laura to come out and play hockey for the first time. We scoured the city for equipment and ended up outfitting her for a very reasonable cost. Do I have a wicked-awesome gf or what?

Shane rented the Olympic sized ice pad so we were happy when there was a huge turnout - five on each bench! Aside from Laura there were at least four or five other first timers or not-too-much-experiencers out there. We had a great time and look forward to next week. On a crappy note Heidi couldn't find the place in time and didn't get to play. Oh well, there's always next week.

Laura suits up:

The Animal changes on the fly:

Monica leaves Joe in the dust:
Scottie's intense on the bench:

Tim lurking in front, waiting for a pass from Mattias:

Laura (#6) mans (or womans) the blueline while Shane (#3) forechecks:

Shane's a sniper:

My camera was on the wrong setting and my hands were shaking from the excitement - hence the blurry pics but you get the idea. I can't wait till Sunday!

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